
പ്രസ് സെക്രട്ടറി സോണ്‍ സ്‌പൈസറെ കുഴക്കിയ ചോദ്യങ്ങളുമായി ഇന്ത്യാക്കാരി

Published on 13 March, 2017
പ്രസ് സെക്രട്ടറി സോണ്‍ സ്‌പൈസറെ കുഴക്കിയ ചോദ്യങ്ങളുമായി ഇന്ത്യാക്കാരി
വാഷിങ്ങ്ടനിലെ ആപ്പിള്‍ സ്റ്റോറില്‍ ട്രംപിന്റെ പ്രസ് സെക്രട്ടറി സോണ്‍ സ്‌പൈസറെ ചോദ്യങ്ങളിലൂടെ വെള്ളം കുടിപ്പിച്ച് ശ്രീ ഷൗഹാന്റെ വീഡിയോ വൈറലായി.

ശനിയാഴ്ചയാണു സംഭവം.'ഒരു ഫാസിസ്റ്റിനൊപ്പം ജോലി ചെയ്തിട്ട് എങ്ങനെയുണ്ട്' എന്നായിരുന്നു ശ്രീയുടെ തുടക്കം.'നമ്മുടേത് ഒരു മഹത്തായ രാജ്യമാണ്' എന്നു സോണ്‍ മറുപടി പറഞ്ഞു.

'നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു റഷ്യയില്‍നിന്നു സഹായം കിട്ടിയില്ലേ. നിങ്ങളും ഒരു കുറ്റവാളിയല്ലേ' തുടങ്ങിയ ചോദ്യങ്ങളായി പിന്നീട്. റഷ്യയെക്കുറിച്ചു താങ്കള്‍ക്ക് എന്നോട് എന്താണു പറയാനുള്ളത്? ശ്രീ ചോദിച്ചു.

'നിങ്ങളെ ഇവടെ തുടരാന്‍ അനുവദിക്കുന്ന മഹത്തായ രാജ്യമാണിത്'എന്നു സോണ്‍ അമ്രുപടി നല്‍കി.

ആ ഉത്തര
ത്തിലടങ്ങിയ റേസിസത്തിനെതിരെ ശ്രീ പിനീട് മീഡിയം എന്ന സൈറ്റിലെഴുതി. 
താഴെ കാണുക.

Such a Great Country, Such Nasty Bigotry 

The night of the election, my iPhone screen shattered. The joke I like to make is that there was glass shattering on November 8th but not the kind we wanted.

There’s something symbolic about the shattered glass on my phone and it serves as a constant reminder of what could have been and, how abnormal our current circumstances are.

Very early on, I knew that Donald J. Trump was dangerous for America and had fascist tendencies. His views on people of color, immigrants and Muslims are abhorrent. His actions against women are despicable. His willful disregard for our Constitutional rights is well, fascist.

I was devastated by the election but I have channeled my anxiety, sadness, and anger into action. I tell anybody who will listen, ways in which they can resist. I have explained how dire the situation is to my closest friends and family, and I also organized that Betsy DeVos blockade at a local D.C. school with families and community partners.

I did all of that with a very shattered phone. I thought it was high time I get my screen fixed and after booking an appointment, I looked up to see Sean Spicer. I Googled him to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me.

I realized what an enormous opportunity it was to get answers without the protections normally given to Mr. Spicer. I was honestly quite nervous and wanted to come up with more cogent questions but did not have time to do so.

As someone that has lived in Washington, D.C. for nearly a decade, it is customary to give public figures their space. I’ve left Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor alone at a grocery store and have done the same for Senator Chuck Grassley on a train.

However, given what Mr. Spicer and his boss are doing to this country, I do not believe they are entitled to these norms and customs. Donald Trump and his Klan are openly trampling on the rule of law, our Constitution and our democracy.

When I confronted Mr. Spicer, I wanted to speak truth to power. It wasn’t until hours later that it was revealed to me that Mr. Spicer had said, “such a great country that allows you to be here,” to me.

see NY Post article also

White House spokesman Sean Spicer was accosted by an Indian-American woman — who peppered him with questions about committing “treason” and working for a “fascist” like President Trump — as he shopped in an Apple store over the weekend.

The encounter has since gone viral after the woman who filmed it, Shree Chauhan, 33, claimed online that Spicer had made a racist statement to her, saying: “It’s such a great country that allows you to be here.”

“Unlike this administration, I do not believe in ‘alternative facts.’ I believe in facts. I do not believe in accusing someone of this level of racism, when if in fact it was not,” Chauhan wrote Sunday in a lengthy post on Medium.

“So I watched the video over and over again,” she said. “And his words were clear…’Such a great country that allows you to be here.’ That is racism and it is an implied threat.”

Chauhan, who lives in Washington, D.C., filmed the interaction with Spicer on Periscope Saturday night after spotting the White House spokesman in the store. She had been there getting her iPhone fixed and said she ultimately felt the need to “speak truth to power.”

“It is customary to give public figures their space…However, given what Mr. Spicer and his boss are doing to this country, I do not believe they are entitled to these norms and customs,” Chauhan explained.

In the clip, the self-described “eternal optimist” can be heard asking Spicer a series of questions, including “How does it feel to work for a fascist” and “Have you helped with the Russia stuff?”

“We have a great country,” the press secretary replies, while appearing to try to ignore Chauhan.

“Have you committed treason too? Just like the president,” she asks. “What can you tell me about Russia?”

It is after this barrage that Spicer delivers his allegedly “racist” remark, saying: “It’s such a great country that allows you to be here.”

Chauhan wrote on Medium that the response left her disgusted.

“I am still stunned by the boldness of having my citizenship threatened on camera,” she said. “I was not polite. But when does being impolite mean that I should be thrown out of the United States of America? The country I was born in, the country I was raised in, the country I love despite its flaws.”

Speaking to the Daily Mail about the video on Sunday, Chauhan shot down claims that Spicer could have been referring to the First Amendment rights of all Americans to exercise free speech when he made the comment.

“He’s the press secretary for the president of the United States,” she said. “Don’t tell me what he probably meant because he also works for this administration that has done all of these things.”

Chauhan went on to note how Trump has signed executive orders temporarily banning refugees and asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

“He could’ve said, ‘Such a great country that allows dissent,'” she told the Mail. “There’s a lot of way that could’ve been said. To have someone who speaks for the president of the United States tell me to my face that I shouldn’t be here and I was born here — that is a real thing.”

Chauhan added that she’s feared for her safety since the day Trump was elected.

“I woke up the day after the election in fear of what would happen to someone like me. And we’ve seen what happened,” she said. “We’ve seen what happened to Indians.”

Earlier this month, a 39-year-old Seattle resident of Sikh heritage was shot by a man who reportedly shouted “go back to your country” just before pulling the trigger.

Weeks before that incident, a pair of Indian engineers were targeted by a Navy veteran who told them the same thing before blasting away at them. One of the men ended up dying and the other was wounded.

“They’re gonna spin it however they want, but there is a palatable fear that people have in this country and it is warranted,” Chauhan said. “On a regular basis, Mr. Spicer consistently defends the actions — and I believe unconstitutional actions — and lies on behalf of this administration.

“Spicer has the protection of the podium when he’s in the press room,” she added. “I didn’t have time to sit there and ask questions I would ask if I was a reporter…Maybe having someone like a regular person ask those questions instead [of reporters] — that might work.”

പ്രസ് സെക്രട്ടറി സോണ്‍ സ്‌പൈസറെ കുഴക്കിയ ചോദ്യങ്ങളുമായി ഇന്ത്യാക്കാരി
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Anthappan 2017-03-13 13:48:35

I don't have words to appreciate this  courageous woman.  The weak  Malayalees who voted for Trump the fascist should go and draw some courage from watching the video .

Shame on all Trump supporters

Indian American 2017-03-14 08:36:07

.ഈ സ്ത്രീ ഇവിടെ ജനിച്ചു വളർന്നതാണ്. എ ട്രൂ അമേരിക്കൻ.
അവരുടെ കമന്റ് ഈ രാജ്യം നൽകുന്ന അഭിപ്രായ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ അവകാശത്തിന്റ പരിധികൾ ലംഘിക്കാതെയാണ് പറഞ്ഞത് . എന്നാൽ ഒരു ഇന്ത്യക്കാരി  എന്ന നിഗമനത്തിൽ നിന്നുകൊണ്ടാണ് സ്പൈസർ അവരോട് മറുപടി പറഞ്ഞത് . "ഈ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ മഹത്വമാണ് നിന്നെ ഇവിടെ ജീവിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കുന്നത്' എന്ന് പറയുമ്പോൾ അവിടെ മുൻവിധിയും വിവേചന ചിന്തയും അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു. കൂടാതെ അയാൾ അമേരിക്കൻ എന്നതിന് ഒരു പുതിയ നിർവചനം കണ്ടെത്താൻ ശ്രമിക്കുകയാണ്   അമേരിക്ക ജാതി-വർഗ്ഗ-വർണ്ണങ്ങളുടെ വൈവിധ്യതതയിൽ കെട്ടിപ്പടുത്ത രാജ്യമാണ്. മേഫ്ലവർ എന്ന കപ്പലിൽ ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടിൽ നിന്ന് ബോസ്റ്റണിൽ വന്നിറങ്ങിയ യാത്രികർ ആദ്യത്തെ കുടിയേറ്റക്കാരായിരുന്നു. അവരോട് ഈ രാജ്യം വിട്ടുപോകണം എന്ന് നാവ്കോ ഇന്ത്യൻസ് ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ ഇത് ഒരു കുടിയേറ്റ രാജ്യം ആകുകയില്ലായിരുന്നു. ഇവിടെ ട്രംപ്. അയാളുടെ പ്രധാന ഉപദേശകൻ സ്റ്റീവ് മില്ലർ സ്പൈസർ തുടങ്ങിയവർ വിവേചന ചിന്ത വച്ച് പുലർത്തുന്നവരാണെന്ന് ഞാൻ പറയാതെ നിങ്ങൾക്കറിയാം. പക്ഷെ ട്രമ്പിന് വോട്ടു ചെയ്യാത്തവരെക്കാൾ അയാൾക്ക് വോട്ടു ചെയ്യാത്തവർ ഇവിടെയുണ്ടന്നുള്ള സത്യം ധരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുവേണം അഭിപ്രായം എഴുതിവിടാൻ. ട്രമ്പിനും ആ വിവരം അറിയാം. അത്‌കൊണ്ടാണ് അയാൾ മൂന്നര മില്ല്യൺ കള്ള വോട്ടുകൾ ഡെമോക്രാറ്റിസണിനു കിട്ടിയെന്നു ഇടയ്ക്കിടെ വിളിച്ചു പറഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ടരിക്കുന്നതു.  ചുരുക്കം പറഞ്ഞാൽ ഇവിടെ കുടിയേറ്റ വ്യ്വസ്ഥികളെ തച്ചുടച്ചു ഒരു വെളുത്ത രാജ്യം കെട്ടിപ്പടുക്കാം എന്നുള്ള അയാളുടെയും അയാളെ പിന്താങ്ങുന്ന വർഗ്‌ഗീയ വാദികളുടെയും ആഗ്രഹം സഫലമാകുകയില്ല. ഈ ചെറുത്തു നിൽപ്പിൽ അമേരിക്കയിലെ വൈവിധ്യമാർന്ന സമൂഹം ഒന്നോടെ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കുമെന്നുള്ളതിന് സംശയമില്ല 

Naradan 2017-03-14 06:13:47

ബോബി യെ പോലെ ഉള്ള ആണ് കള്ള , മനുഷ സ്നേഹം ഇല്ലാത്ത പുരോഹിതരെയും രാഷ്ട്രീയ കാരെയും വളര്‍ത്തുന്നത് .. വളരെ പ്രശംസ അര്‍ഹിക്കുന്ന ഒരു മാന്യ വനിതയോട് നാട് വിട്ടു പോകാന്‍ പറ യു വാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ ആരാണ് ?

Friend 2017-03-14 09:19:14
ബോബിയെ  എനിക്കറിയാം.  വേണുന്ന സമയത്ത് വേണ്ടാത്തത് തോന്നും. എന്നിട്ട് കിട്ടുന്നൊതൊക്കെ മേടിച്ചു വീട്ടിൽ ചെന്നിരിക്കും. എന്തോ ചെയ്യാം എന്ന് പറയാം. ഞാൻ പണ്ടേ പറഞ്ഞതാ വേണ്ടാ വേണ്ടാ എന്ന്. നാട്ടുകാര് എടുത്തിട്ടു കുമ്മുമ്പോൾ പഠിച്ചോളും .
Reader 2017-03-14 06:50:55
Rep. John Lewis Criticizes Rep. King’s Comments on the need for a “Homogeneous” America
will boby Varghese will be a  part of - GENEOUS- WHITE EXTERMISTS?
or will be chased back to india ? 2017-03-14 11:08:54
നവംബർ 8th  ഹിലരി തോറ്റതിന് സ്വന്തം ഫോൺ തല്ലി പൊട്ടിച്ചു. എന്തോ ചെയ്യും !!!!!!. Trump നെ ഭരിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കുകയില്ല എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞു നടക്കുന്ന ഇതുപോലുള്ള  crybabies !!!!.  
Mallu 2017-03-14 12:02:05
impeach Trump
Truth and Justice 2017-03-14 17:13:01
Someone in the comments has 100 percent sure that all weak malayalees voted Mr. Trump. This is not true.All Indians especially malayalees boasting democracy represents Hillary or Mr Obama.But make sure all are practicing democracy. Economically this country in bad shape 19 trillion debt to china.God opened the way for Indians to come here to enjoy the luxury of the country flowing milk and honey for which we have to thank the creator almighty God
Jimmy 2017-03-15 06:23:34

What an embarrassment for Obama supporters!! Their Speculation that Trump was a tax dodger was proved baseless like all their claims.

Every single thing under current POTUS is getting better and better. Employment, Stock Market, Illegal border crossing. He is straightening whatever harm Obama did to this great country.

Obamacare too may go in few weeks. Then real rewarding employments will increase much more. Currently jobs like wall painting, car wash, store clerk etc remains here for citizens as offshoring happens for every good paying job. 

Anthappan 2017-03-15 07:06:39

Let us analyze Jimmy’s argument and see how much truth is their

What an embarrassment for Obama supporters!! Their Speculation that Trump was a tax dodger was proved baseless like all their claims.

“Leaked Return Shows Trump Paid $38 Million in Taxes in 2005 Documents were obtained by and revealed in conjunction with MSNBC’s ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’.  Trump never released the Tax returns but it was leaked and Trump is agreeing with that.  He was falsly claiming throughout his campaign that he was a successful business man with multi billion dollars asset.  His son once claimed that money was pouring in from Russia. So, Jimmy, don’t get excited for him because the two page tax return doesn’t reveal anything.   His Tax returns are with Putin and he is going to use Trump as his American Puppet.   

Every single thing under current POTUS is getting better and better. Employment, Stock Market, Illegal border crossing. He is straightening whatever harm Obama did to this great country.

When Obama left office, the economy was in good shape and the unemployment rate was 4.8%.  Trump mocked the unemployment rate as false and claimed that it was 46% but now he turned around and claims that the unemployment is down because of his BS.  It is just like someone denying the hard work of their parents and contribution to their comfort and claim that everything was achieved by their own effort. 

Obamacare too may go in few weeks. Then real rewarding employments will increase much more. Currently jobs like wall painting, car wash, store clerk etc. remains here for citizens as offshoring happens for every good paying job. 

America claims to be a country of Christian values.  Those who laid foundation for it, was really translating the vision of Jesus. (I was naked you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison you visited me…..Mathew 25).  He wanted to take care of the sick and he introduced Obama care; He visited prison and released hundreds of prisoners locked up for years for using drugs once  ….. There are many such actions of Obama can be related to Christian values.  But, 80% of the Christians voted for Trump claiming that he is sent by god to undo Obamacare and save this nation.  Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., Pat Robertson and including many Malayalee phony Christians voted for Trump.  Republicans tried to undo Obamacare 66 times and at the end Supreme Court upheld it with the help of a conservative judge appointed by G.W. Bush.  Now, the Obamacare is introduced as Republican Affordable care act and causing division among Republicans. Tea baggers don’t like it and also some Republican Governors and senator who took advantage of it and already introduced it in their state.  It is very important to note that many people who voted for Trump is covered by Obamacare. It is futile attempt to educate Trump followers because majority of them cannot think and understand.  But this is an attempt to condition your brain.  


Jimmy 2017-03-15 08:54:52

Anthappan, lack of knowledge in US system makes you think all these. Every single thing you are posting is idiotic and does not make any sense. Let us just take one point what you have written...

“He was falsly claiming throughout his campaign that he was a successful business man with multi billion dollars asset”.

A tax return and asset statement is not same. One may have billions of assets. He/She need to show them in tax return ONLY IF he/she cash them.

Say I have 1 billion$ worth shares. I need not show it anywhere. Show the dividend received or when I sell those shares, that is it.

Your another point was Trump never paid any taxes. That also was wrong. Looks like Trump paid more in taxes, and at a higher rate, than both Obama & Sanders. 

Shocked? Again, my intention is neither to correct you nor to make you change. You believe in your thought processes, remember, no one can save you other than YOU Anthappan.

Kishore 2017-03-15 09:04:07

Obama wanted insurance companies to make money. Nothing more. He was never bothered about COST or CARE. Obama did not understood food on table is more important than health insurance.

Reality is, Obamacare got this much enrollees as it was doing highway robbery. Penalty for individuals and business too? Just to avoid penalty people enrolled in it.

AHCA is much better than ObamaCare.

If you want it, purchase it, pretty simple. The American way!!

If you cannot afford it, and qualify, get on Medicaid/Medicare. 

മറിയാമ്മ 2017-03-15 10:01:48
അല്ലാ ഒബാമകെയർ സപ്പോർട്ട്കാരി, ആ ചോദ്യത്തിൻറെ അർത്ഥം മാനസിലായില്ല. "ഭാര്യ നേഴ്സ് ആണോ?". ആണെങ്കിൽ എന്താ? നഴ്സുമാരോട് ഡെമോക്രാറ്റിക്‌  ഒബാമകെയർ സപ്പോർട്ട്കാരിക്കെന്താ ഇത്ര രസക്കേട്. അവരും പണിയെടുത്തല്ലേ ജീവിക്കുന്നത്?
Democrat 2017-03-15 09:24:40

Why your are getting upset when Anathappan is telling the truth. Your problems is that you don't have sense. People without sense are most of the Trump supporters

Kishore-  Affordable care act and Obama care act are same. Republicans want to belittle the AHCA and they called it Obama Care. Now the same people are fighting against the New bill introduced by GOP (Learn things properly before your open the mouth and spit out stupidity)

കുഞ്ഞുമോൾ 2017-03-15 09:37:52
അമേരിക്കയിൽ വന്നു തിന്നണം കുടിക്കണം എന്ന വിചാരമല്ലാതെ ഓരോരുത്തന്മാർക്ക് വേറെ ഒരു ചിന്തയും ഇല്ല.  കുറെ ബിയറും കുറച്ചു ഇറച്ചി കരിച്ചതും അടിച്ചു കേറ്റി വയറും ചാടിച്ചു ജോലി ചെയ്യാതെയും ആരോഗ്യമില്ലാതെ ഇരുന്നിട്ട് ആര് ഇൻഷ്വറൻസിനു പൈസ കൊടുക്കുമെന്ന് താൻ ചിന്തിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ? തന്നേപ്പോലെ ആരോഗ്യമുണ്ടായിരുന്നപ്പോളത്തെ എന്റെ ഭർത്താവിന്റെ കാര്യമാണ് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത്. ഇപ്പോൾ ഞാൻ ഉണ്ടാക്കികൊണ്ടുവരുന്നു തുച്ഛമായ ശംമ്പളത്തിലും ഒബാമ കെയറിന്റ കരുണയിലുമാണ് കുടുംബം കഴിഞ്ഞു പോകുന്നത് തനിക്ക് ഇത് പറഞ്ഞാൽ മനസിലാകില്ല കാരണം ഭാര്യ നേഴ്സ് ആയിരിക്കും. 

A reader 2017-03-15 10:02:17
It looks like Jimmy is doing Tax returns now. But, that was not Anthappan's point.  He was saying that Trump was claiming that he was making billions of dollars business but this Tax return says he made only 150 million in 2005. What happened the money he has taken from Putin?  People are not stupid like you Jimmy to believe that the two page Tax return tells all the complete story.  Anthappan's reporting is in line with what we here in the media. We believe media more than Trump because Trump is made up of lies.  People like you will buy it and swallow it. Focus on your Tax filing otherwise you will be screwing up others tax returns. 
കുഞ്ഞുമോൾ 2017-03-15 10:20:05
അവര് പണിയെടുത്തു ജീവിക്കുന്നതുകൊണ്ടാണല്ലോ ഇവനൊക്കെ ഇൻഷുറൻസിന്റെ കാര്യം പറയാതെ തിന്നുന്ന കാര്യം പറഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നത് മറിയാമ്മേ
സൂസമ്മ 2017-03-15 10:20:28
കുഞ്ഞുമോളെ നഴ്സുമാരെ തൊട്ടുള്ള കളിവേണ്ടേ...നിങ്ങൾ ഒബാമകെയറിനെ പ്രേമിക്കുകയോ വെറുക്കുകയോ എന്ത് വേണമെങ്കിലും ചെയ്തോളു. നഴ്സുമാരെ അതിൽ വലിച്ചിടുന്നതെന്തിനാ?
Kishore 2017-03-15 10:13:50

Splendid!! CNN poll had predicated huge victory for Obama policy continuation & Hillary in power. The same CNN poll also said, "People without sense are most of the Trump supporters".

All were 100% against the reality. Now it really make sense, why you talk like this….

You did not even read the comment Democrat alias Antappan. Please understand ACA & AHCA are 2 different things.

Also show some courage in write with your own name. 

Anthappan 2017-03-15 10:24:00
My first name is Anthappan and last name is Anthappan and I am son of Anthappan Anthappan and may family name is Anthappan . To get correct information don't watch FOX news and listen Rush Lymbo only;   watch CNN also.
കുഞ്ഞുമോൾ 2017-03-15 10:32:50
നേഴ്സ്മാരേ എനിക്ക് ബഹുമാനവും ഇഷ്ടവുമാണ്. അവര് എന്റെ വർഗ്ഗത്തിൽ പെട്ടവരാ കഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട് വീടിനെ പുലർത്തുന്നവർ. എന്നാൽ കാശിനു പണിയെടുക്കാതെ വീട്ടിലിരുന്നു തീന്നുംകുടിച്ചു മുടിക്കുന്ന കിഷോര് കുമാരന്മാരെ കുറിച്ചാണ് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് സൂസമ്മേ .
Ninan 2017-03-15 11:04:34
കഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട് അധ്വാനിച്ചു ജീവിക്കുന്നവരെ കളിയാക്കുന്നത്, പല പേരിൽ എഴുതുന്ന അന്തപ്പനൊരു രസം...
ആ ചിന്താഗതി നല്ലതല്ല...
കുഞ്ഞുമോൾ 2017-03-15 12:22:05
അങ്ങനെയുള്ളവർക്ക് എന്റെ കൂപ്പുകൈ മാത്യു സാറേ. ഞാൻ ആരേം കളിയാക്കാൻ പറഞ്ഞതല്ല ദണ്ഡം കൊണ്ട് പറഞ്ഞു പോയതാ. ആർക്കെങ്കിലും അങ്ങനെ തോന്നിയിട്ടുണ്ടങ്കിൽ എന്റെ ചേച്ചിമാരും അനിയത്തിമാരും ക്ഷമിച്ചു കളയുക.  ട്രംപിന്റെ പേരും പറഞ്ഞു ഞങ്ങൾ പാവങ്ങളുടെ അരിയിൽ കല്ല് വീഴാത്തൻ നടക്കുന്നവരുടെ വർത്തമാനം കേട്ടപ്പോൾ രക്തം തിളച്ചുപോയി
Kishore 2017-03-15 11:12:50

When it is a direct attack on a profession, I do not want to be a part of that type of discussion. Let Obamalover Democrat and Anthappan continue. I rest my case as my discussion is purely on merits and not based on making fun on working class.

Anthappan 2017-03-15 11:25:05

ACHA has many definition -

American Cutting Horse Association

American College Health Association

Affordable Health care Act (Obama Care or ACA)

Anthappan Anthappan 2017-03-15 11:32:08
Even though I don't agree with many of NInan Matthulla's thoughts on Christianity, One thing I can say that he would never write unde a fake name like you.    Ninan.  You are fraud who writes under diiferenent name and try to drag people into the conflict.  We cannot expect much from you because you must be a follower of Trump who is blaming Obama for wiretapping his building to distract his Russian Connection.  I have the balls to write under my name. I am Anthpappan Anthappan
Mathew R. N. 2017-03-15 11:45:26
ഇപ്പോൾ പുരുഷന്മാരും നഴ്‌സ്മാരായുണ്ട് കുഞ്ഞുമോളെ
Anthappan 2017-03-15 12:30:30

Read this part and learn who has alias name Kishore the fraud. The news below is about your secretary of State Tillerson alas Wayne . Trump used to call people with alias name and it is not a surprise that he appointed Tillerson as secretary of state.  There is a chance for you also in his administration.

"According to a letter sent this week from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to a judge, Tillerson adopted the moniker to discuss climate change and other sensitive issues when he was the big boss at ExxonMobil. The judge is overseeing Schneiderman's current investigation into the oil company's possible concealment of key facts about climate change. "The email address,, is part of the company's email system and was put in place for secure and expedited communications between select senior company officials and the former chairman for a broad range of business-related topics," spokesman Alan T. Jeffers said in statement.
Schneiderman has a different opinion, noting in his letter that Tillerson's "Tracker" emails may be relevant to "potentially false or misleading statements to investors and the public" and that the discovery of this alias brings "additional urgency" to his demand that Exxon hand over relevant documents in the investigation."
Anthappan Anthappan 2017-03-15 12:47:13
When it is time to escape some people stir up the water and make it muddy. And, Kishore is one among them. He is now trying to tie me into the conversation of Annamma kunjumol and Susamma conversation and trying to escape; something he learned from Trump.
Pro Trump 2017-03-15 13:39:46
What happened to Trump supporters? Are they all gone? Can they stand up against Anthappan?
andrew 2017-03-15 16:23:57

For those who live in this country to think deep even though you voted for a racist con man.

Trump seemed to run away from his accusations that President Obama wiretapped his phones.

Intelligence com.chair stated there are no evidence of wire trapping.

Russian spies charged in massive hack of 500 000 000 yahoo accounts -says US Dept. of Justice.

Trump's budget will have major cuts to EPA

Scarborough accuses trump of leaking his own taxes- apparently to divert public attention from his Russian relationship.

FBI director briefs to Senators on Russian involvement.

3 more GOP votes can stop trump health care plan which will benefit less than 2% the rich & the drug companies. 24 million will loose health coverage, it will be hard for middle class working people to afford health care.

Federal judge in Hawaii blocked trump's travel plan

Republicans are getting concerned about trump's Russian relationship.

Russian spy ship is patrolling US east cost- but no comments from trump, but he is attacking rap musician

more on the wy

Tom Abraham 2017-03-16 15:26:12
Let federal Judges and all governors, congressmen, senators take pay -cuts, motel, travel reimbursements to bring national debt from 20 trillion down.  Let radical Islam terrorists-related billions be paid by this woman and taxpayers. If Prez Trump has to listen to you, All should pay more, Trump will hold his horses then. This president is a trouble shooter, not a maker, dear young Indian- American.
മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക