
അസാഞ്ജിനെ അറസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്തത് അമേരിക്കയുടെ ഇടപെടലിനേത്തുടര്‍ന്നെന്ന് സൂചന

Published on 11 April, 2019
അസാഞ്ജിനെ അറസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്തത് അമേരിക്കയുടെ ഇടപെടലിനേത്തുടര്‍ന്നെന്ന് സൂചന

ലണ്ടന്‍: വിക്കിലീക്‌സ് സ്ഥാപകന്‍ ജൂലിയന്‍ അസാഞ്ജ് അറസ്റ്റിലായത് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ നിയമനടപടികളുടെ ഭാഗമായി അമേരിക്കക്ക് കൈമാറാനുള്ള അപേക്ഷയേത്തുടര്‍ന്നെന്ന് റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട്. ഇക്വഡോര്‍ തങ്ങളുടെ എംബസിയില്‍ അഭയം നല്‍കിയ നടപടി പിന്‍വലിച്ചതിനേത്തുടര്‍ന്നാണ് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ പോലീസ് അറസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്തത്.. അസാഞ്ജിനെ അമേരിക്കയുടെ അപേക്ഷ പരിഗണിച്ച് വീണ്ടും അറസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യുമെന്ന് പോലീസ് അറിയിച്ചു.

അതേസമയം ശാരീരികമായി പീഡിപ്പിക്കപ്പെടാനോ വധശിക്ഷ നല്‍കാനോ സാധ്യതയുള്ള രാജ്യത്തേക്ക് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ അയക്കില്ലെന്ന് ബ്രിട്ടണ്‍ ഉറപ്പ് നല്‍കിയതായി ഇക്വഡോര്‍ പ്രസിഡന്റ് ലെനിന്‍ മോറീനോ വ്യക്തമാക്കി. അമേരിക്കയില്‍ അഞ്ചുവര്‍ഷം തടവുശിക്ഷ കിട്ടാന്‍ സാധ്യതയുള്ള കുറ്റകൃത്യമാണ് അസാഞ്ജ് ചെയ്തതെന്ന് അമേരിക്ക പ്രതികരിച്ചതായി ഗാര്‍ഡിയന്‍ റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് ചെയ്തു.

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ഒരാറെ പോയെതെല്ലാം പൂളോനും മക്കളും 2019-04-11 14:10:02
ഒരാറെ പോയെതെല്ലാം പൂളോനും മക്കളും President Donald Trump's older sister, federal appellate Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, has retired -- halting an investigation into whether she broke judicial conduct rules by committing tax fraud, The New York Times reported Wednesday, citing copies of the decision provided by two complainants. The investigation was prompted by a New York Times bombshell report last fall indicating that the Trump family had participated in tax schemes to maximize Trump, Barry and their siblings' inheritances. Barry, whom the Times found to be an active participant and beneficiary in the schemes, filed her retirement papers 10 days after court officials notified complainants that the matter was "receiving the full attention" of a judicial conduct council, according to the paper.
Anthappan 2019-04-11 17:10:24
Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly. The Gospel of John 18:13-27 describes the account of the three denials as follows: Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus.

We have a peter now and his name is Trump. Once he love Julian Assanage but today he rejected him by saying “I know nothing about WikiLeaks.”  - What an irony !

Trump in 2016: “I love WikiLeaks!” Trump now: “I know nothing about WikiLeaks.”  -

President Donald Trump on Thursday is now pretending not to know anything about WikiLeaks, whose founder, Julian Assange, was arrested earlier in the day in the UK — despite the fact that the president has publicly professed his “love” for the organization in the past.

“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office Thursday. “It’s not my thing,” he added.

But it is his thing. Very much so.

In 2010, Trump casually mentioned to Fox News anchor Brian Kilmeade that Assange should get the death penalty for leaking sensitive US government documents he received from then-US Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning.

And six years later, during the height of the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump praised WikiLeaks’s consistent releases of emails related to his opponent, Hillary Clinton. “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks!” Trump professed during a speech on October 10.
Peter 2019-04-11 17:30:30
Crooked Christians that are getting ready to betray Jesus and crucify him will vote Trump again to power.  
Why he is shaking 2019-04-11 17:48:10

He is facing up to 12 months in a British jail after being found guilty this afternoon at Westminster Magistrates Court of skipping bail in 2012 to seek refuge at the embassy over rape allegations which led to Sweden requesting his arrest.

He now faces a battle against extradition to America where he is wanted for espionage and publication of sensitive government documents. ie why rump is shaking, during election 160 times he said he love him.

His lawyers fear he will face the death penalty, a claim rubbished today by President Moreno who said Britain had confirmed it would not extradite Assange to a country where he could face the death sentence.


traitor to Jail 2019-04-11 18:04:42
Julian Assange is an enemy of the United States. His actions endangered the lives of American troops and damaged the integrity of US elections. Assange is a coward and a thief. He needs to face justice.
LIAR LIAR LIAR 2019-04-11 18:16:06
In the final month before the 2016 presidential election, Trump mentioned WikiLeaks and the hacked emails it published more than 150 times during speeches, media appearances, and debates, according to ThinkProgress. Now he deny he said it. your hero malayalee trumpers
A friend in need is a friend indeed 2019-04-11 19:19:01
A friend in deed is a fried indeed 
CID Moosa 2019-04-11 18:27:07
Is Trump worried ? Does Trump think his new AG is capable of manipulating things,  even if he finds something with regard to WikiLeaks,  in his favorable like what he is trying to do with Mueller report?

 “I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” he said. “It’s not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I’ve been seeing what’s happening with Assange. That would be a determination mostly by the attorney general, who is doing an excellent job. He’ll be making a determination. I know nothing about him. It’s not my deal in life.”
A friend in deed is a friend in deed, 2019-04-11 18:29:05
Where is the defenders of Trump and WikeLeaks; bobby, benoy, kunthra and sam? A friend in deed is a friend in deed,
മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക