
On Cool Autumn (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 19 April, 2024
On Cool Autumn (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

A tinge of chill breeze,
A ray of sunshine,
A beam of bright light,
A musical tapestry of birds chirping,
A carpet of diverse flora,
A season of hibernating fauna,
A calm and serene atmosphere
To think, work and retrospect,
A beautiful autumn to enjoy.

Summer to autumn a smooth change,
Heat to chill and further chiller.
Nature's way of indicating
Autumn is that time to prepare,
Yourself for colder months ahead.
Crisp and fresh with brisk days
With nature's air conditioning,
Who are humans to question,
The imperfectly perfect nature!

The brightness of the sun,
The warmth of its rays,
The clarity of the blue skies,
Twigs of naked branches,
A carpet of brown grass 
embroidered with all the fallen leaves.
A waft of chillness to signal
That seamless change to winter,
A perfect autumn day to enjoy.

A bright sunny morning,
And a fresh start to the week.
A cheerful whisper of birds,
Giving a pleasing sound to ears.
A row of dancing leaves,
Making the morning enthralling.
A carpet of freshly fallen leaves
Making it a velvety path to walk on.
Perfect Autumn day, a blessing to see!

 A slightly chilly morning
And the soft emerald carpet seem
heavy with moisture.
A pleasant morning
Where the golden sun seems
To have made a temporary visit,
A brisk morning with soft musical notes of the birds chirping,
A perfect autumn day, a perfect morning.

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